it's been two days since the final interview at eTelecare, they said they would call me on on before friday if i got in. today is thursday.
i can't even write sensibly anymore. my hands have been trembling since yesterday. my heart seems to be pumping twice as fast, non-stop.
at this rate, i'll either suffer a heart attack or lose my mind. i have never been made to wait this long after a job interview.
i think it's a bad sign, being told that "we'll give you a call before the end of the week if you made it."
i have been coming ang going to cebu for the series of exams, interviews, and still more interviews with the company. i made it through the exams ok, and the first three interviews went smoothly, until the final.
it was role-playing(now who would have thought i'd cringe at the sound of that, being a gamer?), and i had to receive this call from the interviewer acting as a customer. to make a long story short, the call went smoothly until the customer started to act rudely, after which my whole world came crashing down. between the stuttering and the ah, er, uhms? silence.
still, i managed to make it through with the guidance of the interviewer, who was ever-friendly and encouraging. i saw that as a good sign until she said those words that for days i had been praying i would never hear in an interview: "we'll give you a call..." her voice faded slowly away as my head began spinning other job opportunities in the city. i had to find and snag a secondary application before i went home to davao!
which leads me here in an internet cafe, scouring the web for job ads and whatnot.
i still haven't lost all hope in the eTelecare Tech Support Position, I speak and write very good english (perfect score in the TOEFL), i have great grades, i've been working with and speaking in front of people for four years, and i know computers. =) so i'll wait or that golden call which will set the mood for the next years of me and my family's lives.
so help me God.